Unistrut Asia is a quality company and dedicated to achieving excellence.
Quality is a fundamental business principle in our company and sets the foundation on which our company was
founded since 1923. We are the inventors in our class and shall lead best practice within our industry by example.
Quality to us means providing all our respected and prospective customers with products and a service that fully
satisfies their requirements. Quality in all its forms is expected of all our employees. We will challenge ourselves at
every opportunity to continuously improve our Quality Management System so our customers enjoy the benefits.
Our Quality Management System is currently under development to meet the requirements of AS/ NZS ISO 9001:2008
which assures our customers of our compliance to the standards applicable to our company.
The management of Unistrut Asia is responsible for setting and reviewing this policy along with our quality
objectives on an annual basis to ensure the integrity of the system.
The implementation of the Quality Management System and this policy will ensure continued customer satisfaction
and the continued success of our great brand.